Thursday, December 13, 2007


It's amazing how a person believe that their ideas or perceptions are always right. Never wanting to bent a bit to what another people have in mind or believes.

It gets super irritating and at a point where you will feel like blasting them off: PLEASE OPEN UP YOUR MIND FOR A FREAKING BIT!

But then...i'm sure you have heard of the phrase...old dog don't learn new tricks. Maybe that phrase can be used here. I wondered will i ever be like that old dog that will never want to learn new tricks anymore. Sometimes as one grows older, they tend to think and believe that every single idea that is given by them is always RIGHT! WRONG!! Everyone have their own way of interpreting what is right and wrong. Never ever force anyone to believe that you are always right.

There was once when I was out with my friends, we were chatting bout a topic on education by private colleges or universities. I believed that private colleges and universities are selling education which their main purpose is to gain profit...which i believe that profit shouldn't be the main purpose and education should be free. My other friend said that it's not really true. We were arguing on our points as my other 2 friends were listening while having their dinner.

And at that point I realized I was very sticking to my believes and not wanting to bent down to my friend answers. Then I was like thinking to myself...why are you being so hard towards him? Everyone have their own thinking..always try to listen what the others have to say...After a while, I toned down my voice a bit because I realized that my voice was increasing by a note and I sounded pretty fierce. NOT FREAKING WISE! My friends said it was like a debate between the two of us. Well...I was trying to hard and not wanting to bent down to his answers but if in a will have to be strong and stand up for your own answers right? What do you all think?

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