Monday, December 10, 2007

Likey likey

Everyone have a secret crush and I'm not excluded.

I have many crushes before, well who doesn't right? I have many types of crushes. There are crushes which I like is just very physical and some are based on personalities. But I have a thing for guys that have very different personality. I tend to fall for guys that are quite different.

For example, I like a guy that actually like a teaching different from his on teaching which is not very advisable at all. He is very open and knowledgeable. Loves history. Dare to be different. He is also had very good ear..i mean as in listening okie. He has a wicked sense of humour. He reads and he knows how to play the guitar. He has a great height. I'm sucky for tall guys. >_<

And another example of guy I fall for is also almost the same as the first one. This is my current crush. He is different...I mean really different. He does things which are not allowed in his teaching but I believes he knows what is wrong and right. He can tell jokes which can make me laugh like nuts. He is very adventurous. He cooks...and guys in uniform are hot. >__< Me blushing already. He always enjoy what he does. He has respect in me. Thats what i really like about guys. Respect in girls. Not many guys have that attitude. He is quite a gentleman. He have a very nice smile. I'm also a sucky for guys with a great smile. >_< He reads too.

As you can see, I fall for guys which can be said quite rare. But unfortunately, it can only remain as crush. I hope one day, I can really fall in love my crush and getting back the love from him. I don't want it to remain as a crush.

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