Friday, November 16, 2007


Boredom can actually leads to many things. When I'm bored, I'll surf the net, listen to my fave music and while listening to music...many thoughts will pour into my mind. Usually my thoughts are influenced by the type of music I'm listening. So my thoughts will be sad..sad..and more sad thoughts. Thinking of the past incidents that had happened. Had been very emotional the past weeks. Like I'm having PMS everyday. >_<

Heart is a very weak thing. So easily bruised and hurt by simple things. But
thats when a person let things get into them easily. Right? Yeah..thats what I believe. If a person thinks too much or put too much hope in anything they do. I'm a person that somehow will put much hope in everything that I do or like. Sometimes it can be very heart breaking when things doesn't turns out according I hope for. Been through that path many times and still going through the same path. When my friend is in despair...I'll always say don't give up hope yet because things will be better. But how would one know that there is hope for that situation they have been through so many times will be ever better? I'm beginning to doubt my own advise to my friend. Or is it a way of learning the nature of life? A way to be stronger mentally and spiritually? I seriously hope that whatever I've been through helps me in the future. It did make me a stronger person. But at the same time, make me afraid of certain things. I know that everyone have their own set of problems...let it be tiny or huge. IF the person have a strong mind...nothing can fall and give up. As for my small or big (depending on how you define the size of your own problems) problems...I for sure will not give up and even if I have to go through the same path...I'll make a wise decision for every problem. Regrets doesn't help anyone at all.

What a weird way of starting an opening blog. Songs sure do influence ones mood. :)

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