Saturday, November 15, 2008

How time flies!

Yeah, I'm sure everyone agrees with me.

It's November and next you know it's Christmas and New Year and it's Chinese New Year. DAMN that's freaking fast.

Have you all achieve your New Year resolution/s? Hmmm. Difficult question for me. I think I've only got one in my list. That will be getting a camera for myself.

It's almost the year end. Sales starting again on 29/11/2008. Its like sales all year round. I guess the sales doesn't affect anyone much anymore. The price doesn't differ that MUCH! Besides sales, my work load is like insane. Will be loads of overtime. Sigh!

I'm off to bed now. I know it's a SATURDAY night. Why am I sleeping so early? Answer: Woke up at 6am to get ready for work on a SATURDAY MORNING!!! I'm feeling sick too. Sigh sigh!

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