Saturday, June 6, 2009

Round and bright

The moon is pretty huge, round and bright. Looks gorgeous. Even the morning sky was really beautiful today. Right now the air is really hot and stagnant.

I'm currently back at hometown. Using my younger bro's laptop. My 2nd's sis's pc had 'mati' a few months ago. Celcom broadband connection is pretty slow. Loading a page takes forever. *Sigh*

The only thing that is running to my mind is: IT IS BLOODY HOT!! It's draining away my energy.

Made me not in the mood to study and read my book for my coming exam. Hmmm. So screw. Still have 3 more chapters to read.

Been falling asleep on the sofa in the morning and after lunch. Hehehe... Best medicine is to read a boring book and soon will lead you to la la land. I'm actually feeling sleeping now too. Damn. I can't be sleeping off my weekend.

Yeah Monday is a off for me. Took leave to be a good girl to study for my exam. Can't be a lazy bum.

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